Ending Discrimination in Mental Health
Turning the Crisis Tap Off
Conference and Live Broadcast
Thursday 13th October 2016
Amba Hotel Marble Arch, Bryanston Street, London, W1H 7EH
Black African Caribbean Men are up to 6.6 times as likely to be admitted as inpatients or detained under the Mental Health Act as the average population. It is one of the deepest and most discriminatory social failures of our education, social, health and criminal justice services.
- Early Intervention for Prevention – through schools.
- Ending CRISIS management of BME mental health.
- Education and awareness of culture and mental health among staff.
- Education to avoid staff stereotypes and presumptions of what behaviours mean.
- Prevention and diversion through reskilling the workforce – Attitude Shift.
- Make this a priority (create an imperative not to ignore and to embrace change).
- Influencing the community, creating a user voice, reducing fear in BME groups of statutory services.
- Reducing Police involvement in a health issue.
- Influencing national policy through budget oversight, monitoring and creating an observatory correlating evidence and data.
- Influencing through first adopter programmes in pilot authority areas.
- Creating funding incentives and key budget pools in commissioning to cross sectors from public and third sector, and reduce duplication and improve effective use of resources.
- Creating specialist skills services for high level forensic support.
- Reducing dependency of “bed” and “pharma” containment.
- Building transformation capacity and knowledge – a professional centre – of what works.
- Provide evidence of the “social value” return on investment and the impact on cost base for commissioners.
- Develop personalised services and budget options.
Speakers Include
Rt Hon Norman Lamb MP
Former Minister and Shadow Liberal Democrat Spokesperson on Health
Commander Christine Jones QPM
National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) lead for Mental Health and Metropolitan Police Service Lead for Protecting Vulnerable People (PVP)
Gill Arukpe
Chief Executive, SIG – Penrose and Equinox
Dr Geraldine Strathdee
National Clinical Lead, Mental Health Intelligence Networks PHE/NHSE
Cllr Jacqui Dyer
Vice Chair, Mental Health Taskforce
Antony Miller
Director of Operations, Penrose
Maria Kane
Chief Executive, Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Mental Health NHS Trust)
Luciana Berger MP
Labour and Co-operative Member of Parliament for Liverpool Wavertree, President of the Labour Campaign for Mental Health, and former Shadow Cabinet Minister for Mental Health
Can’t come to London?
Watch it online – LIVE and then have access to all the videos later, on demand.
We will stream the conference live on the internet. Buy a Group Open Licence to Broadcast and you can stream it into a room or venue of your choice and invite your team, guests from sister organisations, partners and clients to watch either the whole conference or the sessions that are immediately relevant, in the knowledge that you can go online at any time later and watch sessions as it is convenient.
You can use the digital footage to brief your team, induct new staff or even to augment your own seminars and conferences.
Who Should Attend
- Directors of Commissioning/Procurement
- Directors of Strategic Development
- Directors/Heads of Adult Social Services
- Directors/Heads of Children and Young People’s Services
- Directors/Heads of Integrated Care
- Directors/Heads of Policy
- Directors/Heads of Public Health
- Heads of Charities/Third Sector Organisations
- Heads of Housing Team
- Heads of Integrated Service Delivery Team
- Heads of Mental Health and Learning Disability Teams
- Heads of Patient Services/Patient Experience
- Heads/Leads Clinical Commissioning Groups
- Health and Wellbeing Board members, directors and managers
- Performance/Service Improvement Leads
- Social Workers
- Directors / Managers of Care Homes
- Directors of Care Services
- GPs
- Health Inequalities Policy Officers
- Mental Health Professionals
- Health and Social Care Professionals
- Youth service leaders and practitioners
- Educational psychologists
- NHS Trust diversity leads